Sports Research Paper Topics: 20+ Ideas to Get You Started

November 19, 2023

sports research paper topics

You can write a sports research paper on anything you want if your professor has given you the freedom to choose a topic. While you such an abundance of freedom, figuring out what to write can be a big challenge.

From American football and Superbowl to Commonwealth Games and everything in between, what topic should you write on exactly?

Ultimately, it’s up to you. However, you should choose a topic that doesn’t just fascinate you. Pick a topic that lets you find gaps in existing knowledge, so you can contribute new information to what we already know.

It’s fine if you don’t have a topic in mind yet, or if you find brainstorming and topic research process a pain in the chest. Below are some sports research paper topics and ideas that you might find interesting enough to explore.

Sports Research Paper Topics and Ideas

Here are some research paper topics in sports that you might find interesting to explore:

Athletics Training Research Paper Topics

  1. An analysis of the function of clinical examination and diagnosis for athletes before, during, and after athletic training
  2. Why there should be an immediate and emergency treatment facility at every sporting venue
  3. What function does the electrotherapy section play in a sports training facility?
  4. How to avoid injuries by utilizing anatomical knowledge
  5. Examining why it’s critical to administer first aid to a hurt athlete

Sports Psychology Research Topics

  1. How does a team’s performance change as they prepare for a game?
  2. Analyze the mental impact of extended training sessions.
  3. How do feelings affect a person’s ability to excel in sports?
  4. Describe the many societal influences on sports involvement.
  5. Techniques for evaluating sports athletes’ mental health
  6. Recognizing the cognitive and behavioral traits of athletes

Controversial Sports Science Topics

  1. Does a sportsperson’s performance depend on genetics?
  2. Should people play sports like badminton or volleyball?
  3. The effects of gambling on the effectiveness of sporting events
  4. Does the educational curriculum successfully accommodate sports activities?
  5. Why should women play football more frequently than men should?
  6. Analyze the prevalence of coronavirus infection in athletes.
  7. What impact does racism have on American sports?

Sports Exercise Research Topics

  1. Examining the reasons why so many individuals choose jogging in the morning
  2. Is a certified coach required while engaging in personal physical activity?
  3. What results may we expect from the TV-aired workout programs?
  4. Determining whether it’s necessary to consult doctors before selecting a physical fitness program
  5. Examine several medical disorders that call for regular exercise.

Sports Medicine Research Paper Topics

  1. How do physical therapists aid athletes in their rehabilitation from injuries?
  2. The function of nutritionists’ nutritional recommendations to athletics
  3. How do physical activities affect weight growth and loss?
  4. What impact can ripped muscles or shattered bones have on an athlete’s health?
  5. Resistance training’s effects on athletes’ body composition
  6. Analyze the benefits of skeletal muscle aerobic and strength training.
  7. What impact does Ramadan’s intermittent fasting have on athletes?

What Makes a Good Sports Research Paper?

You do want to complete your sports research paper on time, but there is more to it than just meeting then deadline. Your project has to be a comprehensive as possible, as your teacher will look at whether you’ve done thorough research and exhausted your topic.

Here are some pointers on what makes a good research paper in sports:

1. Demonstrate In-depth Research

Show that you conducted intensive research to detail the background of the topic. For example, a topic that touches on the American Football stadium must touch on the psychological and social factors of the game.

2. Use Sports Terms

Sure, your professor will more than likely buy into how simple and clear your research paper is. However, it will be a fail if you don’t use sports related terms in your project.

Include command terms in your work, explain them for clarity, and use them throughout your writing to demonstrate that you understand the topic. 

Don’t hesitate to use examples for illustrations and clarity.

3. Write in a Friendly Tone

A research paper in sports doesn’t require creative writing. However, the tone shouldn’t be as robotic and complex as for a scientific paper.

We strongly recommend that you use a more relaxing and entertaining tone. However, don’t veer away from the rules of academic writing. 

4. Ensure You Structure Your Work

A research paper in sports is a long project. Think of it like a storybook with different chapters that build on each other. In this respect, your work must have a clear structure that organizes your research in a logical order.

Check out our guide on how to structure a research paper if you don’t know how to do that yet.

5. Cite Your Sources

Your research paper will be nothing more than just pages with words if you don’t cite your sources.

Remember, your professor will assess whether you engaged in research. The way they do that is to check the appendix section to see if you’ve listed the source you used.

So, ensure you don’t overlook this as you write, and make sure you use the recommended citation format before you submit your work for review.

If you notice during the brainstorming stage that a topic won’t allow you to meet these criteria, drop it and pick another one. There’s no point trying to work on a sports topic that will outright fail.

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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