August 18, 2023

how much does it cost to write a 3 page position paper

Do you need help with a position paper assignment but have no idea how much it’s going to cost you? You’ve come to the right place. In this guide, you’ll learn exactly how much it costs to write a 3-page position paper if you choose to work with Help for Assessment.

If you’ve checked the price calculator of a number of academic writing services online, you’ll notice that how much it costs to write a position paper varies from website to website. However, you’ll hardly find a service provider that gives you a clear breakdown of the factors that determine the cost of writing a 3-page position paper.

At Help for Assessment, we believe in transparency and do our best to make sure that our pricing is as precise and clear a possible. We provide our position paper writing service based on the principle of quality research, proper outlining, acceptable academic writing standards, and timeline submissions. 

What is a Position Paper?

A position paper is an assignment that requires you to choose a side on a given issue, do research, and then use facts and statistics to defend that position.

In position paper writing, you have to choose a topic, conduct research to gather data and statistic, examine your topic to choose a stance, create an outline, and then write the paper. It’s a 5-step process that involves a lot of work, which can be quite overwhelming if you have other assignments to complete.

Given how complex some topics can be complex to research and defend using referential data and statistics, we can understand why you would want to seek academic writing help online. And at Help for Assessment, we have a team of experienced writers who can help you get your position paper completed in, even if it’s an assignment on a complex topic.

We provide position paper writing service to students from all over the world with the core objective of helping them understand their assignment better. We’ll take you through the process of research after identifying your topic and help you choose a position to defend with data and verifiable statistics.

As much as our business model involves writing position papers from scratch, we don’t recommend submitting the paper you receive from us as is. Instead, consider using it a comprehensive guide to write your own position paper. Your professor knows how you write and can therefore easily tell if you bought the assignment online

What’s the Cost of Writing a 3-Page Position Paper?

On average, Help for Assessment charges $59.97 to write a 3-page, double-spaced position paper. You’ll pay $119.94 for the same number of pages written in single-spacing format. Essays with longer deadlines cost less than the position papers ordered as urgent assignments.

Let’s break this down even further so that you understand the factors that determine the cost of writing a 3-page position paper.  

1. Spacing

A single-spaced position paper essay is 500 words per page. That means you’ll have 1,650 words for a 3-page essay, which means you’ll spend between $132 and $174 depending on the level of education.

The word count is less for papers with double-spacing. For the 3-page double-spaced position paper, y you’re likely to spend between $65 and $87 again depending on the level of education.

2. Level of Education

This doesn’t require an explanation, or does it?

If you think about it, high school essays aren’t that difficult to write because they don’t require in-depth and exhaustive research. Position paper essays of this academic level are therefore cheaper than the ones written for college level.

Academic writing services charge differently for position paper essays based on the level of education. For example, one service will charge you $22.9 per double-spaced page and another one will charge about $30.99 for the same number of words.

At Help for Assessment, we’ve made our pricing plan as flexible possible so you can get help with your position paper regardless of your level of education.

3. Deadline for the Assignment 

How fast you want your position paper essay will determine how much you may for it. Some students rush to write the essay in the last minute, in which case they have very little time to complete the work. We treat such assignments as urgent with deadlines as short as 24 hours.

An urgent 3-page position paper essay written in 24 hours will cost you around $120 at Help for Assessment. We give such an essay assignment the first priority because we understand that you don’t have a lot of time left on your hands.

Position papers with longer deadlines are more affordable than urgent essays. A 3-page position paper needed in 7 days can cost as low as $44.97, which is a great offer that you will find only at Help for Assessment.

4. The Academic Writing Service

There are many essay writing services on the web that promise to write high quality position papers and deliver on time. Just like us at Help for Assessment, these services have their own pricing plans, which tend to vary quite significant from what we offer to our clients.

If you decide that it’s best to use another writing service other than Help for Assessment, make sure you check how much the charge to write a position paper of the same length before you place your order.

Some services even offer discount price, usually 10% off on your first order, which can help you to save money quite significantly. Help for Assessment offers up to30% guaranteed discount on the first ordered, making us the most affordable position paper writing service on the web.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are number of factors that determine how much it costs to write a three-page position paper. Hopefully this post has answered your question on the cost of the doing the assignment. You can now place your order here if you would like us to help you work on your position paper.

About the author 

Antony W

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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