June 27, 2024

business dissertation topics

With the world almost putting Covid-19 on its knees, economic growth will see an upward trend as it used to right before the global pandemic hit the human race hard. So far, statistics point to a potential growth that will see an expansion in business activities, making this an interesting area to study.

For business students taking their Master’s degree, the requirement to write a dissertation raises the need to select the best business dissertation topic for the assignment. To help you make the topic research process easier, we’ve put together a list of interesting topics for inspiration.

Keep in mind that business is a wide field, and therefore the topics provided in this guide cover various disciplines in the sector. As such, it should be easy for you to find a topic that’s not only interesting but also worth exploring.

Business Dissertation Topics: 25+ Examples for Inspiration

The following are examples of dissertation topics that you can improve and explore in your research assignment:

Dissertation Topics on Corporate Social Responsibility in Business

Corporate social responsibility is a serious issue in the business world, especially since activists and governments hold enterprise responsible for their actions. If anything, businesses have to take corporate social responsibility seriously because it’s part of what contributes to the competence of companies and organizations.  

Some topics you can cover in this area include:

  1. What are the important strategic decisions that businesses must make in order to enhance their performance in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility?
  2. How can firms benefit from implementing CSR practices in relation to climate change?
  3. In the aftermath of the Coronavirus epidemic, how much CSR will be lost in order to achieve higher economic growth?
  4. Is there a link between diversity and corporate social responsibility, and what role does it play in organizational performance?
  5. What are the obstacles to the mainstreaming of ethical firms in the United Kingdom?
  6. Is there a link between diversity and corporate social responsibility, and what role does it play in organizational performance?

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Dissertation Topics on Global Strategy in Business

This area focuses on examining the key strategic issues that companies and organizations have to deal with when doing business in the global space. More often than not, researchers seek to understand strategic analysis, strategy formulation, and the way businesses identify sources of competitive advantages.

Here are some topic ideas that you may find interesting to cover in this area:

  1. How should a corporate plan for expanding into an international market be developed?
  2. An investigation on the exit strategy of foreign venture capital investment in the worldwide private sector.
  3. Is it possible to use entrepreneurship as a successful management technique inside a company unit?
  4. A study of the issues associated with managing international collaboration in the military aero-engine industry.
  5. Creating a closed-loop supply chain to improve global business practices’ sustainability.
  6. Creating an efficient structure for knowledge exchange and use in international project teams.

Global Business and Politics Dissertation Topics

The dissertation topic ideas in this category often examine the connection between global business and global politics. As an area that has been volatile for years, this sector evaluates institutions, processes and factors that influence businesses and politics.

Here are some topic ideas to consider:

  1. Evaluating the effectiveness of multinational businesses’ global business teams: a test of an intervening process model
  2. How diverse patterns of business-government ties influence industrial upgrading processes: A case study of developing economies
  3. Strategy, structure, fit, and performance in business-government relations within a contingency theory framework.
  4. Is globalization still going to be a significant market driver in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisis?
  5. What impact does Corporate Governance have on internationalization, globalization, and company performance?
  6. Examining how enterprises entering the Chinese market manage political risk from a legitimacy standpoint.

Technology Business Topics for Dissertation

Your dissertation will focus on the strategies that businesses use to identify, develop, and implement technology to support their day-to-day operations. You may have to investigate the evolution of technology, new opportunities that technology presents, and the possible challenges that businesses have to deal with.

Some topics to consider in this area are as follows: 

  1. How will 5G technology affect the expansion of digital consumer markets in the United Kingdom?
  2. How ICT integration has changed the way people buy products and services.
  3. An investigation on the influence of internet marketing in the development of global supply chain networks.
  4. Evaluating technology diffusion models among UK online customers.
  5. How has the incorporation of technology into human resources benefited organizational efficiency?
  6. Considering the role of innovation in the emergence of new prospects for SMEs in the United Kingdom.
  7. What are the primary variables influencing the effectiveness of corporate internet branding?
  8. An investigation on the influence of internet marketing in the development of global supply chain networks.
  9. An examination of how corporate operations have improved as a result of innovation: Are they convergent on a single universal approach?

International HR Management Dissertation Topics

The focus in this business segment is on how organizations handle human resources at an international level to maintain a competitive advantage. Notably, the area focuses on understanding culture factors that give insights on how human resource functions can contribute to building functional knowledge to national and international business.

Here are some dissertation topics that are likely to suit this area of business:

  1. What are the foundations of employee commitment in a global multi-national in terms of emotive, normative, and calculative commitment?
  2. How can cultural differences be managed in multinational collaborative projects?
  3. How do you manage employee commitment in the non-profit sector across national cultures?
  4. What are the most important elements influencing staff retention in international contact centers?
  5. Can IHRM offer culturally acceptable work-life balance and flexible working patterns for multinational corporations?
  6. What influence does organizational transformation have on employee engagement in major multinational corporations?
  7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of intercultural teams operating in virtual settings, and how do these teams impact competitive advantage?

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About the author 

Antony W

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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