Biology EE Topics: How to Choose, Plus Good Examples

September 3, 2022

biology extended essay topics

Have you scoured the web for Biology EE topics but came out empty? Or maybe you’ve considered writing an EE in the subject but you still have no idea what to focus your research on?

You’ve come to the right place.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to choose the best biology extended essay topic to explore in your assignment. In addition, we’ll give you some topic ideas as well as teach you how to treat the topic you choose.  

What’s the Purpose of a Biology Extended Essay? 

An extended essay in biology allows you to apply biological knowledge while conducting research on a topic of personal interest within the area of biology.

A concentration on biology within the framework of a broader scientific research is what defines the nature of a biology extended essay.

How to Choose Biology EE Topics

The following are important considerations to make when selecting a topic for your biology extended essay:

1. Select a Topic Focusing Strictly on Biology

Biology is the scientific discipline concerned with living beings and biological processes. Therefore, a biology extended essay should contain biological theory and underline the subject's fundamental character.

It is essential that the emphasis of the extended essay be clearly biological and not more closely connected to another subject.

Although identical grading criteria apply to all extended essays in the experimental sciences, the topic you choose for a biology extended essay must provide a distinct biological perspective.

2. Avoid Topics That May Cause Harm

Certain topics are inappropriate for research due to ethical concerns. Investigations based on trials that are likely to cause pain or needless stress to living beings are ineligible for submission.

Investigations that are likely to have a negative impact on health, such as microorganism cultivation at or near body temperature, or that may require access to or release of personal medical information are inappropriate.

Some topics may not be acceptable for examination due to safety concerns.

You need to avoid experiments involving the use of poisonous or hazardous chemicals, carcinogenic compounds, or radioactive materials, unless proper safety equipment and trained supervision are available.

3. Avoid Obvious Topics

Other topics may be inappropriate because the conclusion is already well known and documented in standard textbooks.

Biology Extended Essay Writing Help

Are you finding Biology Extended Essay topic selection process tedious? Have you selected a topic but have no idea how to proceed?

Or maybe you have other overwhelming assignments waiting for you and you can’t find the time to complete an EE in this subject?

We’re here to help. 

You can buy an EE in Biology online from Help for Assessment and get professional writing help within your time limit Whether you have a week left before submitting your first draft or you’re planning to attend the last reflection meeting to present your final draft, our writers are here to help.

Our writing service involves topic selection, preliminary research, development of a research issue, and writing and editing.

The topic we select is strictly within Biology, and we come up with research issues that we can address within the scope of the Biology Extended Essay assignment. 

10+ Biology Extended Essay Topics

The following are 20+ examples of Biology Extended Essay topics. You can pick a topic from the list, modify it further, and share it with your supervisor for review.

Or you can use this list as an inspiration to help you come up with a topic that would suit your research.  

  1. Determine the link between the growth hormone indole acetic acid and the growth of X.
  2. How much do living cultures in dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese lower the lactose content after 2 hours of incubation?
  3. The connection between photoreceptor cells in the human retina, “age, and gender."
  4. Are commercial techniques of oral rinse (mouthwash) more efficient at preventing the growth of Micrococcus luteus than traditional methods of oral hygiene?
  5. Which of hand sanitizer, hand soap, or antibacterial wipes inhibits the development of E. coli the most effectively?
  6. Investigating the time necessary for two distinct species of tadpoles to attain metamorphic climax from the pre-metamorphosis stage at four different temperatures
  7. How much does a 2-hour incubation at 37°C lower the lactose content in yogurts containing live cultures?
  8. The effect do different light combinations on the movement of red-eared sliders, in relation to the position of the light sources.
  9. What is the prevalence of nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus among kids at Tanglin Trust School, and what are the related risk factors?
  10. Investigate the antibacterial effects of copper, barium, and silver on bacterial growth.
  11. Photo acclimation is the capacity of diverse symbiodinium-hosting coral species to endure aberrant light circumstances.
  12. Is it feasible for plants in the same ecosystem to act differently?
  13. The risk of painkillers and similar medications to the human brain
  14. Near hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor are indications of life's development on Earth.
  15. Current ideas and evidence concerning the molecular reasons responsible for the rising prevalence of allergy disorders in industrialized nations
  16. Blood group relative frequencies in distinct geographic locations used to trace ancient migrations of humans.
  17. How millennia of breeding have caused domesticated dogs to respond to eye contact through bonding (by producing oxytocin hormone)
  18. An examination of malnourished children in Indonesia and the degree of their recovery following a period of supervised increased nutrition.
  19. The competitive and evolutionary nature of Paramecium Bursaria’s symbiotic connection

Related Reading

How to Analyze Your Biology Extended Essay Topic

You should explain early in the essay how you formulated the research topic and, if applicable, how you narrowed it by briefly elaborating on any relevant elements.

You should develop one or more hypotheses, especially since a single, well-formulated inquiry can generate a handful of specific hypotheses.

It’s possible to base your biology extended essays on data obtained through experiments, survey, microscopic observations, biological sketching, fieldwork, or any acceptable biological method.

Alternately, you can base the essay on facts or information collected from literature, ideally from primary sources, then alter or analyze in an innovative way. 

If you’re working on an essay that requires laboratory or fieldwork test, you should provide a clear and brief description of the experimental methodology.

Explain how you chose the research technique and methodology, as well as any options that you investigated but rejected.

Final Thoughts

Now that we’ve given you a list of 10+ Biology extended essay topics, it should be easy for you to identify an area to explore.

It can be an area you’re always interested in or a topic that you’ve always wanted to explore.

You should do research for your essay under the direct supervision of a supervisor.

Regardless of where or under what conditions you conduct studies, you must demonstrate your personal contribution to the research methodology and selection of methodologies in the essay.

Generating and presenting data should not be a goal in and of itself. Remember, proper scientific analysis is vital.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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