Determination of the Activation Enthalpy and Rate Expression for the Iodination of Propanone

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In this internal assessment, I will investigate the rate of reaction, activation energy and the iodination of propanone in a chemical reaction. Almost all molecules possess a definite amount of energy that starts a reaction. Whenever the molecules collide, molecules' potential energy or kinetic energy is used to bend, stretch and break molecules bonds, and enhance chemical reactions. Svante Arrhenius first used the activation energy in 1889 . This concept of activation energy helps to understand the requirements of a chemical reaction. My interest in this topic was due to previous class demonstration where a reaction produced some energy. I learned that when a reaction starts, there is a certain amount of energy that is required to initiate a chemical reaction, thus in this explora...

  • Pages : 10 pages
  • Urgency : 7 days and 3 hours
  • Spacing : double spacing
  • Level : IB Level
  • Cost : USD$ 269.90
  • Format : Turabian Format
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Investigating the Effects of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction

Paper excerpt

A metal will erode faster in acidic environment than in non-acidic environment. The rate of reaction increases as the concentration, temperature and catalyst increases. I was interested to know how concentration of reactants will affect the rate of reaction and how the values I will obtain varies with theoretical values and hence answering my research question “To determine the activation enthalpy and rate expression for the iodination of propanone. For a chemical reaction to occur, several factors do affect the rate of this reaction. The factors include the concentration of the reacting agents, temperature, and the presence of a catalyst . Iodation of propanone is a halogenation reaction between propanone and Iodine, where an acid is used as a catalyst. A chemical reaction between propanone and Iodine in acidic environment forms a colourless solution iodopropanone and hydrogen iodide. In this experiment, the concentration of propanone, sulphuric acid and Iodine will vary and the reaction rate of each will be calculated and comparison will be...

  • Pages : 10 pages
  • Urgency : 4 days and 6 hours
  • Spacing : double spacing
  • Level : IB Level
  • Cost : USD$ 279.90
  • Format : Turabian Format
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  • Delivery withing the indicated timeframe
  • Absolutely non-plagiarised content
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