How to Write a Descriptive Essay: The Complete Guide

February 16, 2023

descriptive essay

Today you’re going to learn how to write a descriptive essay. In particular, you’ll learn:

  • What a descriptive essay is
  • How to prepare the essay
  • How to write the paper
  • And how to polish the essay 

If you need help with descriptive essay writing, use  our essay writing service to help you complete the assignment fast. 

Otherwise, keep reading to learn how you can write a compressive descriptive essay that gets a nod from your instructor. 

What is a Descriptive Essay? 

A descriptive essay refers to a category of essays that requires students to describe something. It could be a person, an experience, an object, or a place among other things. Descriptive essays encourage students to give a written account of a specific experience. Also, it gives you a lot of artistic freedom.

Your biggest aim when writing a descriptive essay is to create a clear sense of the topic being discussed in the mind of the reader. You could be asked to write the essay as part of an assignment by your professor or you may just give yourself a fun challenge.

Before you start, make sure you know how to write an essay effectively. Spend some time brainstorming ideas for the paper. And after that, write an outline of your essay and use a strong description and sensory detail. Finish by polishing and proofreading your essay to make it the best it can be.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay for an A Grade 

Write an Outline of Your Essay

Creating a brief outline goes a long way to organize your work. The best way is to do it in sections. These are the introduction, body, and finally, conclusion.

A standard essay should have 5 paragraphs. The introduction has one paragraph, body three paragraphs, and then the concluding paragraph. When you have sections, you can have lots of more paragraphs.

Your professor or instructor will usually tell you how many paragraphs they want your essay to be or if you are free to use sections.

Write a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement refers to the theme or the main idea of the essay.

It not only states the essay’s purpose but also doubles as a guide for the entire essay. It should be in the introduction and also restated in the concluding paragraph.

Write a Captivating introduction

The purpose of an introduction when writing a descriptive essay is to set the tone of the paper and also introduce your reader to the subject at hand.

The subject is best described using a list of sensory details you wrote down before starting to write the essay.

You will be best off using a strong opening line that captivates the attention of the reader. After that, end your introduction with the thesis statement.

For instance, if you were describing your mom, you could start with a punchy line like: “My mom is unlike other mums. She is a furious protector and a mystifying woman to my siblings and me.

Use Vivid Adjectives to Describe the Topic

As much as possible, choose adjectives that clearly express emotions. Try to be extremely specific. Quit broad adjectives like “angry” and instead use something like “tempestuous” or “full of rage”. The idea is to paint the clearest possible image in the mind of the reader so choose adjectives that can do that.

Another idea is to use adjectives that can connect senses. These include words like “rough”, “hefty”, “pungent”, and “bright” among other things.

For example, you could describe your mother as “tough”, scented with jasmine, and “ferociously intelligent”.

Make Use of Metaphors and Similes

Metaphors allow for comparison of one thing with another. They help you to show the reader your thoughts about the topic. For example, using metaphors can help you say that your mother sacrificed a lot for you. You could say: “My mom is a workhorse. She rarely takes a vacation”.

Similes are when you use words like “as” or “like” to show the comparison between things. For example, you could write: “My mother was like a toughened soldier in PTA checkout lines at the grocery stores and PTA meetings”.

Show Your Thoughts and Emotions About the Topic

Feel free to express your emotions as you write your essay. When describing your feelings, use the first person (I, we, and us). Does the subject disgusts you, saddens you, or angers you? Show your emotional response to the subject.

For example, you could say you have complicated feelings about your mom. “I feel sadness and joy at the same time. I’m sad that she made a lot of sacrifices for us and overjoyed for the good things I enjoy now purely because of her”.

Wrap the Essay up with a Conclusion

In your conclusion, tie all the ideas in the essay together. The conclusion is where you want to restate your thesis and finish with a strong last sentence.

But don’t introduce anything new at this point. Your aim here is to just evaluate your thoughts and wrap up things with a short, sweet, final sentence.

You could write something like: In everything she sacrificed for the family, I see a woman of steel- unbowed, relentless, and full of love, traits I hope I can emulate.

Polishing Your Essay

Use these tips:

  • Read it out loud: This will enable you to find any unclear or awkward sentences. Mark them and make sure you revise them.
  • Get others’ opinion: You could have your peers, family members, teachers, and even mentors have a look at your draft. What do they think about it? Ask them to tell you if they clearly understood the subject after reading your essay.
  • Revise it for Length and Clarity: Read through your essay again and remove sentences that don’t appear necessary for the paper. Find week adjectives and have them replaced with strong ones. Ensure you clearly describe the subject so that your reader can follow it easily. 

If the essay asks for a specific word count, make sure you adhere to the rule. Include more detail in the essay or remove unnecessary ones to meet the word count.

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Writing a descriptive essay requires a lot of brainstorming, using strong adjectives to describe the subjective as clearly as possible and also using lots of similes and metaphors.

The good thing with descriptive essays is that it lets your emotions flow so you should be free to unfurl your creative side. Don’t forget to proofread your work for typos, length, and clarity. Also, have some people check it and get their opinions about it.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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