How Do You Write a TOK Level 7 Essay? (The Complete Guide)

January 9, 2024

how to write tok level 7 essay

TOK level 7 essay  writing means the ability to explain ideas that are more complex at a greater depth and length.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to sound more academic and use sentences that are more complicated to impress readers.

Rather, it implies the ability to communicate your ideas in a clearer way.

To do this, you need to get a grasp of the basics of TOK level 7 essay writing. These include good planning, structuring your work, and meticulous referencing.

Another critical element of level 7 writing is choosing relevant evidence, understanding how to use it, and utilizing it fully by analyzing and interpreting it.

Accurate and clear writing stems from a clear understanding.

Therefore, if you have included a quotation just because it is remotely relevant to your topic, you need to take some time to fully understand the subject you are writing about. 

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We understand how hard it is to write a TOK essay from scratch. Fortunately, we have a team of IB experts who can help you get the task completed on time. 

How to Write A TOK Level 7 Essay, Step-by-Step

1. Understanding Where You Are Going

Whenever you are called upon to write longer assignments, you will need excellent planning and structuring.

These two elements guide the reader to the conclusion that you need to make and also shape your ideas.

When writing a level 7 TOK essay, you are taking the reader through a journey of research where you show them the topic you chose to explore.

You also show the authors that have explored the topic prior as well as what they found, the methods you used to explore it and what you discovered, and what your discoveries taught you about the topic.

It is unlikely that the shape of the journey you write about in your essay will look the same as the journey you took at the time of researching the topic.

That is because research journeys have several detours into areas that aren’t directly relevant. Nonetheless, they help to create context and understanding and lend your arguments an original angle.

In the end, the final journey that you write in the essay ought to be clearer and more direct.

You will have to digest and go through your research and reading, as well as be specific.

You will have to craft a first draft that helps you get a general shape of the journey in black and white. This way, it becomes easy for you to identify what you want to talk about and where it is you are going in your journey.

After that comes redrafting that ensures everything is not only relevant but also contributes to arriving at your final destination.

2. Have An Attentive Approach to Evidence

Level 7 essays are longer, but it also expected of you to refer to a much wider reading range.

You need a lot of practice to use more sources and then skillfully refer to them in your writing.

Although you have a longer essay, there is still no guarantee that you will fit in everything you want to say.

Every academic source should work for you to back your points. Don’t just waste words to describe irrelevant areas of the source.

3. Be Accurate and Aware of Complexity

One of the best ways to demonstrate academic rigor is through appropriate and accurate use of language.

You have to be a little bit more thoughtful in the way you utilize the English language, and also refine your writing so that it is at par with the rigors of your studies.

Learn good writing practices.

Read academic articles from scholarly sources and broadsheet newspapers, but also keep in mind that the best writing style is accurate and clear, as opposed to being unnecessarily complicated.

Hone your critical analysis and thinking on non-academic papers, for instance, adverts, TV shows, and newspaper articles.

4. Remove Distractions

Distractions such as social media only do harm to your effort to write a flawless essay. Turn on these distractions as you write.

Put your phone away and refrain from checking your emails or visiting Facebook while writing.

To minimize physical distractions, work in a closed room with no sources of noise.

5. Take Breaks

Now eliminating distractions doesn’t mean that you should write non-stop.

Allow yourself regular breaks like taking a walk after an hour on your desk. It helps when you forget about your computer for a few minutes. 

6. Mind the Length

You can easily get engrossed in writing to totally forget that you are eating into the word count of other paragraphs.

To stick to the word count keeps the ideas to the point and concise. Also, always be conscious of the number of words you have done.

7. Talk to Your Tutor

If you think of doing well in your essay, one of the things you must do is being in regular consultations with your tutor throughout the process of writing the essay.

While you cannot possibly rely on your instructor for everything, you need to focus on obtaining regular feedback about your writing.

8. Pay Attention to Referencing

After all the hard work you’ve put in, it would be unfair to lose marks for something as simple as incorrectly referencing a text.

Avoid this by ensuring that you stick closely to the referencing style of your school.

9. Edit Thoroughly

If time allows, it is recommended to leave your easy writing for a while so that you can look at it with fresh eyes next time you want to edit it.

But your editing should not just be for spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

More importantly, you should edit for readability and flow.

10. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread

You think you have finished and are now good to go?

Think again!

Losing marks because of stupid and avoidable mistakes is more painful than dropping points for incorrect referencing.

Apart from going through your essay with a fine toothcomb, ask a friend to read it and give you their feedback.  


Writing a level 7 TOK essay certainly calls for a greater level of accuracy and clearly communicating your points.

You need to write flawless English, plan meticulously, remove distractions, reference accordingly, and proofread your work.

More importantly, use focused evidence to back up your arguments.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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