August 29, 2024

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This is the ultimate guide on the TOK exhibition project.

We’ll teach you everything you need to know and implement so you can score an A grade for the assignment.

What is TOK Exhibition? 

The TOK Exhibition is an addition project in the new syllabus introduced in August 2020. 

Introduced to replace the previous Presentation Assessment, the TOK Exhibition requires you to explore how the Theory of Knowledge manifests in your surroundings.

The primary objective for the change is to introduce relational concept, which enables IB students to link the knowledge acquired in classrooms to the world around them and beyond.

It’s important to have a few things in mind before get to in-depth details on writing a comprehensive TOK exhibition commentary:

  • There isn’t any change on how to write a TOK essay. The methodology remains the same
  • While TOK exhibition was introduced in August 2020, the first examination will be for students sitting for their examination come May 2022
  • The foundational theme of the TOK Exhibition is on knowledge and the knower. You have to think of yourself as the present day knowers while maintaining a strong link to your learning profile
  • Ethics will be a critical necessity for every part of the TOK Exhibition
  • There’s also an introduction of knowledge and technology and knowledge and politics. However, these are optional

So for the May 2022 examination, your instructor will expect you to complete two very important assignments in your IB.  These are:

  • Theory of Knowledge Exhibition (which replaces presentation)
  • Theory of Knowledge Essay on a prescribed title

Changes in the IB TOK program, while not as dramatic, can easily affect your overall performance if you don’t have the right lead.

That’s why, in this guide, we’ll help you to get ready in time, so that you can easily sit for your examination and pass with good grades when the time comes.

Get TOK Exhibition Writing Help

Do you need help with your TOK exhibition but have no idea where start? You can count on us to point you in the right direction.

You can check out our TOK exhibition writing service to get started.

What Does TOK Exhibition Require?

The TOK assignment requires you to come up with an exhibit of three objects.

You will accompany this with a commentary in which you give a description of the engagement with concepts learned in a classroom.

Externally moderated and examined internally, and consisting of 33% marks of the TOK total grade, the TOK Exhibition is supposed to be a personal project.

In other words, you do not have the privilege to hold a group discussion.

According to the instructions, the objects you choose must be unique so much that there’s no overall between your objects and those of another student.

TOK Exhibition Vs TOK Presentation?

There are a few differences between TOK Presentation and TOK Exhibition, and it’s important to know them so that you have a clear picture on what your teacher expects you to deliver for the exhibition.

IB TOK Presentation 
IB TOK Exhibition 
Usually performed individually, in pairs, or in a group of 3
An individual project. There should not be an overlap of objects picked for the exhibition
There’s an external moderation for the Presentation Planning Document, which is equally important in grading
Your Theory of Knowledge Exhibition file is both moderated and scored
You have to present your work based only on a real life situation
The 3 objects that you choose must be within the context of one of the 35 IA prompts prescribed by IB
The TOK presentation is a part of the assessment. Your teacher will evaluate it to determine if  you can properly communicate your thoughts when delivering the presentation
Encourages school activities to create about the Theory of Knowledge in schools. However, these activities aren’t part of the assessment

The Theory of Knowledge Exhibition File

To get your TOK exhibition assignment right, you will need to prepare a single file with the content of the project.

This document is your main project, externally moderated and marked internally.

While the presentation part of the Exhibition is crucial, you don’t get a grade for it.

The TOK exhibition file that you prepare must feature the following:

  • A clear, self-descriptive title that shows the Internal Assessment prompt that you chose
  • Clear images of the three objects that you picked to use
  • A clear, concise, fluff, and redundant-free commentary
  • Accurate citations and references

Since the exhibition of your work isn’t part of the formal assessment, your teacher can decide the most flexible way to show your work.

The most commonly accepted ideas include a virtual exhibition, a classroom exhibition, and a school held exhibition where school members and even parents can participate.

Rules for Theory of Knowledge Exhibition

It’s important to observe a few rules before you start working on your TOK exhibition.

Observing these guidelines will make it easy for you to know what your instructor expects from you.

First, the Exhibition (Exposition) isn’t required for assessment. Rather, it’s the folder of your work that you’ll submit for assessment and grading.

Second, the file you submit must feature an IA prompt, images of three objects, and well-written commentary.

Third, your teacher expects you to include only three objects. There shouldn’t be more or less. Moreover, you need to make sure your commentary isn’t more than 950 words, exclusive of footnotes, references, bibliographies, or citations.

Fourth, look at the assessment criteria available in your subject guide, to understand how your teacher will assign scores to the assignment.

Lastly, prepare yourself in advance so that you can earn an excellent score.

You’ll do the TOK exhibition in the first year of your TOK diploma, so it’s important to prepare early.

The most important thing to keep in mind as far as tacking a TOK exhibition is concerned is that it helps to read the prompt carefully before you pick your IA title and objects.

That’s so because an exhibition that doesn’t follow the instructions provided in the prompt will earn a Score 0.

About the author 

Antony W

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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