TOK Exhibition Objects: A Complete Guide for IB Students

July 7, 2022


In TOK Exhibition, an object is defined as a product of knowledge accessible for all provided it’s not symbolic or generic.

As to what counts as an object, the guide states that it can be either digital or physical, but it must be specific in kind, exist in a particular place and time, and have a specific real-world context.

Although a TOK object is an entity a student can create himself or herself, the object must have pre-existed because it includes a real-world context, which is extremely relevant for the exhibition assignment.

Do you need help with TOK Exhibition objects? Our TOK experts are here to help you get the work completed fast. 

What You Need to Know About TOK Exhibition Objects

Here's everything you need to know about the Theory of Knowledge exhibition objects. 

The IA Prompt and Objects 

Select one IA prompt from the 35 prompts, pick three object to form the basis of your exhibition, and root the exhibition to a core or an optional theme.

Since an exhibition itself has a link to a non-thematic knowledge question, there must be a combination of the three objects that show how the question asked in the IA prompt manifest in the real world.

Moreover, the assessment instrument used in the TOK exhibition places a strong emphasis on interconnectivity between the three objects.

Therefore, it makes sense for students to choose the three objects at once to collectively and individual illuminate the main issue in the IA prompt.

Whether to pick objects and link them to the IA prompt or vice versa depends on instructors’ intent to integrate artefacts into TOK  teaching and whether they include activities into the subject to encourage students to reflect on the interests of such artefacts.

If your TOK teacher uses artefacts instead of textual or audio-visual stimuli as knowledge question, or if they ask you to reflect on an object encounter in a piece of writing, you’ll have to generate your objects and reflect on them first and then choosing an appropriate prompt thereafter.

On the other hand, choosing an IA prompt first followed by observing the world around you and choosing relevant objects can help you dig deeper into the knowledge issue in the IA prompt and give you a lot more insights.

Should the TOK Exhibition Objects Unpack the Prompt?

According to the assessment instrument, you need to make a clear connection between the three objects and one of the selected IA prompts.

You have to show the contribution that each object makes in the TOK exhibition.

Your analysis should highlight the issue of the knowledge within the knowledge question.

Methodology of Fields in TOK Exhibition

There’s no field to which Knowledge and Knower, Knowledge and Language, and Knowledge and Indigenous Societies apply in TOK exhibition.

As such, there can’t be a methodology of field in this assignment.

Teacher Support Materials

The Teacher Support Materials encourage you to choose objects linked to your personal interest or relevance, as long as those objects have real-world contexts.

You’re also required to root your exhibition only in one theme, either the optional or the core theme.

Important Rules for Choosing TOK Exhibition Objects

Here are a few important things to keep in mind before you choose objects for your TOK exhibition assignment:

  • While the objects can be something you’ve created, you cannot use them for the exhibition
  • Your objects should not be a generic example of something. Instead, the three objects that you choose should not only have a specific real-world context, they should also link back to the IA prompt that you chose
  • An object can be digital. Examples include a tweet by a person or a picture of an object
  • You must reference the source of the objects you’ve chosen when creating your TOK exhibition file
  • It’s acceptable to ask your teacher for guidance if you need help with choosing your objects. Simply share your ideas with them and they can provide you with helpful feedback that you can use to choose the objects

Your TOK exhibition objects must be unique to your project.

Unlike the TOK presentationwhich can be done in a group of 5, the TOK exhibition is an individual project, which means your objects shouldn’t be similar to those of another student in your class.

If you’re still confused about picking objects for the exhibition assignment, look at the examples in your subject guide.

Also, as your teacher for access to exhibitions in “MyIB” and use them information to learn the characteristics of a good object for the TOK exhibition.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What’s the purpose of a TO Exhibition Object?

The purpose of the TO Exhibition project is to test just how well you can demonstrate how Theory of Knowledge manifests itself in the real world round you.

That’s why the teacher support material encourages you to choose objects to which you have a personal link, whether based on experience in your school or outside.

2. Must the TOK Exhibition object be real?

You should try to present real objects for the exhibition.

In the case where it’s not possible to present the object, say a church or an electron microscope, an image of the object should do.

3. Should my TOK Exhibition be personal?

It’s important to understand that your TOK exhibition objects need to be unique to your project.

Even if your fellow student picks an IA prompt similar to yours, the objects you choose should be independent of what they have.

Since your objects should be a lot more personal, pick those you have come across at school, outside school, or both. Doing so will go a long way to make sure your objects are unique, hence originality of your work.

4. Where Can I Get Help With My TOK Exhibition Assessment

You can get assistance from Help for Assessment. We’ll help you understand and complete your assignment in time.

From selecting an IA prompt and choosing relevant objects to writing and editing your TOK exhibition commentary, our team of writers and editors can help you get the work completed in time. So don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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