The Connection of Old Memories to Today’s Success

August 24, 2018

Numerous individuals are very perceptive regarding the connection of memories to their present success and attainments. Memories reflect events or circumstances that resulted in a person being in their current status, socially and economically (Snyder 78). For instance, an individual who went to college in the past and achieved academically and subsequently advanced their career will relate their success to the college memories. Such an individual will perpetually indicate that their present situation is a result of studying hard in college. On the other hand, people who wasted their time in parties while in college will attribute their past way of life to failure, in the event they did not succeed in life. Nonetheless, for an individual to be successful in the present, memories are not significant given that acting and wisely selecting the current prospect models the success an individual can attain. In this manner, memories hinder individuals’ efforts to learn from the past and triumph in the present.

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Memories obscure people’s exertions of learning from the past and succeeding today. Individuals who keep remembering activities that they undertook in the past causing them to trend off the success track will occasionally regret. These people will not only regret of wasting their time doing self-destructive activities but also multiple aspects of their lives including being born. In most instances, such individuals beat up themselves and at times end up inflicting pain on themselves. The non-profiting undertakings could include having unsafe sex leading to early pregnancy or driving while drunk. Consequently, the regret of not doing various activities that are connected to success will result in loss of confidence, a considerable factor for failure. The absence of positivity today will lead to failure as it is a pivotal component in the modern day characterized by competitiveness (Snyder 112). Therefore, memories usually hinder an individual from learning from the past and succeeding in the present.

Further, memories deter individuals from learning from the past and thriving in the present since people who did flourish in the past tend to be complacent with their present-day circumstances. The supposition that most individuals who succeed at a younger age have a habit of viewing themselves as prospered and successively not exploring other prospects, exemplifies the idea that individuals’ who thrived in the past are complacent with their future (Esgate, Groome, and Baker 370). Moreover, people looking back into their lives and viewing themselves as flourished forget the cost of the process of success. In addition, these individuals resort to using drugs or other dangerous and non-useful activities as they have no propelling forces to direct their will. In this way, individuals who succeeded in the past face a risk of shuttering their accomplishments. As such, memories are viewed as an obstacle to learning from the past and making it today.


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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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