Why a Research Proposal Can Rejected (What You Need to Know)

December 13, 2021

Research proposal rejection is common in academic publishing, and it’s by far the most demotivating and devastating experience in learning. After you’ve spent years researching and months writing and formatting the document perfectly, the very last thing you want is to see your research proposal getting a rejection. The question is why do students get their research proposals rejected?

A review board might reject your research proposal because: 

  • You failed to meet the deadline for submission
  • The topic you proposed isn’t appropriate for your area of study
  • Your proposed question, design, and methods are questionable and unusual
  • You failed to follow the research proposal guideline
  • The research proposal suggests an unrealistic budget, with the cost to execute the project being greater than the expected benefits
  • Your research proposal is not complete
  • You don’t have a well-written literature review
  • Your proposal seems to be beyond the capacity of the principal investigator 

We’ll look at these reasons in more details in this guide. But as you can already see, it’s clear that you can get a rejection for your research proposal for surprisingly small set of simple and familiar mistakes, which aren’t difficult to fix.

X Reasons Why a Research Proposal Can Get Rejected

If you’ve had your research proposal rejected, it could be because of one or more of the reasons discussed below. 

1. Late Research Proposal Submission

One of the most common reasons for rejecting research proposals is late submission. A student may have written a well-researched and comprehensive proposal, but submitting it late is a clear indication that they either didn’t read the submission guideline or ignored the instructions altogether.

You need to take the deadline of your research proposal seriously. Create a plan that you can use to research, outline, and write your research proposal every day. Stick to the schedule and don’t leave room for procrastination. Working on the proposal everyday will not only get you to complete the work fast but also leave you with enough time for revision.

If you feel overwhelmed because you have many other assignments to complete, consider asking for Research Proposal Writing Service from Help for Assessment. Our team of proposal writers can help you to research, write, and edit the proposal fast. So you don’t have to overwhelm yourself with work when you can ask for help.

2. Failure to Follow the Research Proposal’s Guideline

Instructors give research proposal briefs because they want students to follow recognized academic writing standards to do the work from start to finish. Sadly, some students fail to read these briefs carefully and end up submitting substandard research proposals that fail to meet those guidelines.

You don’t want to be this type of student, or you will end up having your research proposal rejected as well.

The solution here is simple. You need to read the research proposal guideline provided and do so carefully. Spend about an hour or so going through the brief. Note the areas that you don’t understand and write some questions down. Schedule a reflection session with your instructor and go through the questions together to get more insight.

Once you’re certain that you’ve read the whole research proposal guideline and understands what it requires, start writing. It also helps to reference the guidelines as you write because it will help to ensure you write your research proposal by following the instructions to the latter.

3. The Proposal Doesn’t Have an Impact

Many research proposals get rejections either because they don’t reflect a potential positive impact on humanity or because they don’t contribute to the already existing body of knowledge. If you think about it, grant sponsors aren’t interested in funding projects that lack solid value, and this explains why very few proposals get approval.

Before you start working on a research proposal project, determine whether there’s something valuable about your research that will the work stand out from similar works.

4. Poorly Written Literature Review

Every research proposal must have a literature review that looks into already existing research into a specific body of knowledge. Unfortunately, it’s the section of a research proposal that many students don’t write very well, which is a likely explanation for the rejection of their research proposal.

We recommend that you learn everything you can about literature review so you can get this part of the assignment write. Some of the most helpful guides to help you are: 

Each guide goes into deep details on what you need to know about the topic. By exploring these resources, you will not only gain more knowledge about literature review but also write review of existing literature that makes your research proposal stand out.

5. The Proposal Is Incomplete 

Writing an incomplete research proposal isn’t any different from not writing a proposal at all. Such a written assignment will get an immediate rejection because it doesn’t meet the expected writing standards as instructed in the proposal guideline.

The last mistake you want to make is fail to write every part of a research proposal from start to finish. Again, this is the point where we insist that you should start the project early so you can cover all the section in-depth. Your proposal should have an introduction, background and significance, literature review, research design and method, preliminary implications, and conclusion.

Make sure you describe each section thoroughly, leaving out what’s irrelevant and sharing only the most useful in formation with the potential reader.

Final Thoughts on Research Proposal Rejection

The reasons why research proposals get rejections aren’t anything extra ordinary. Rather, they are just common mistakes that you can avoid. We recommend that you start working on your proposal as early as possible so that you have enough time to identify potential errors in the document and fix them in the shortest time possible.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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