Network Analysis Essay

August 24, 2018

A communication protocol in telecommunications refers to a guideline that permits multiple entities incorporating a communication system to transfer information through whichever type of variation of a substantial quantity (Meghanathan, 2016). These guidelines or principles are essential in delineating semantics and synchronization of information conveyance, syntax, and potential error recovery mechanisms. Usually, protocols are executed by software, hardware or a mixture of both. Given the significance of the communication protocol in setting out how information transmission shall be undertaken, it is essential to undertake network analysis to troubleshoot network problems, detect intrusion and determine network performance.

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Importance of Communication Protocol

Several communication protocols include FTP, SMTP, HTTP, TCP and UDP among others. Every protocol is designed to operate in different ways, and thus a protocol will be better utilized in particular circumstance and not others. The use of a specific protocol is determined by the speed of data transmission or the kind of data being sent. For instance, SMTP is regarded as the easiest and the quickest kind of protocol to send emails (Meghanathan, 2016). In the occasion the email comes to a breakthrough, the procedure will keep attempting to send email throughout the network and thus it is not necessary to send emails again. Another protocol that is FTP permits individuals to send data quicker compared to other protocols despite not having good security to safeguard the data. The protocols are vital as they permit networks to connect with each other quickly and safely. In the absence of protocol networks, it would be impossible to communicate and transfer data as the protocol are guidelines and restrictions that networks follows.

Protocol and Design of Riordan Manufacturing Industries’ Communication

All data transfers of the company are operating on or via the Internet using TCP/IP network protocols. The rationale is that the internet protocol proffers end-to-end data transmission particularly the manner data ought to be packetized, transmitted, received and routed. This operation is arranged into several abstraction layers that are utilized to place all connected protocols as rendered by the range of networking that is involved. The layers are the link incorporating communication means for data that lingers in a network segment. The internet layer is joining the independent networks, therefore, proffering internetworking and the transmission layer dealing with host-to-host communication (Meghanathan, 2016). Lastly is the application layer that delivers process-to-process information trade for applications.

Overall Network Architecture

The industries’ communication system comprises four Cisco 5950 switches coupled with two Data/Voice routers that have a linkage through T1 networking that utilizes numerous protocols. For example, in the factory in Ga and Albany, there is the utilization of three Cisco 5950 joined to a Cisco router in the communication system. Further, the topology used by the company is identified as the Bus Topology. The topology significantly facilitates linkage amid systems and cables. Further, the topology permits the data to be transferred to the varied units as required.

Incomplete. Also included: Usefulness of a Traffic Analysis; Effect of Data Rates; Strategies to Ensure the Availability of Network Access; etc. To get the complete network analysis essay, click here.

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About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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