June 24, 2024

how to cite a pdf in APA

Unlike a few decades ago, your biggest headache today when writing a paper would be how to cite a PDF in APA style instead of where to get the source in the first place. Back then, research used to be done the library way.

Today's research is remarkably easy by comparison because the internet makes an easy and usually reliable academic resource for students. It provides various web resources such as books, magazines, studies, research papers, and the said PDF versions of books and academic papers. 

These academic documents are usually presented in portable document format (PDF). These PDF documents can be used in your assignments and research papers, but they require proper citation.

Citing PDFs in APA is the same as how you would cite the document in a print version with a DOI or URL inclusion. You first have to determine the kind of source the PDF is, then cite it appropriately. Moreover, a PDF is never a source by itself; it is a type of file and a way of displaying the source. 

The one thing you do need to ensure is that the source of the PDF is reputable and credible. The best PDF's come from academic and scientific websites and will have a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which helps in citation. There is also the risk of viruses in PDF, but you already know about that. 

Still not sure how to handle the PDF source you have? This guide will take you through PDF citation in APA style and everything you need to know about it. But first, it helps to learn about what PDFs are.

What is a PDF?

A PDF is an online form that can be a book, journal, magazine, and other articles. A PDF opens in a new tab on a window or tab and has the term “,pdf” on the link or file name. 

Citing a PDF in APA works like citing a printed article or book. The reference entry must include the author's name, date of publication, publisher, and the SOURCE DOI or URL. You might also add a bracket indicating it’s a PDF on the material after the title. 


Author last name, initials. (Year). PDF title (PDF). Publisher’s name. URL. 

Most PDFs tend to have little information about the publisher. Drop the publisher’s name position if the author is the publisher. 


 Ludwig, K. (2014). The rise of the middle-class post-world wars (PDF). Vonel Printing Press. https://www.vonel.printing/media/files/pdf/reports/fact_sheet/=47374736

In-text citation 

(Ludwig K, 2014).


Books in PDF format have become such a hit, with several readers opting to use their electronic devices over hardcovers. A book in PDF form remains the same as the print version. It comes with a copyright page containing the details of the publication. 

Citing a book in PDF format in APA style involves listing the book's vital information then the URL or DOI in the end. 


Last name, Initial (s). (Year of Publication). Book Title. Publisher. URL or DOI. 


Cedric, D. (2003). The fall of the ancient cities. Kavengi Publishing. https://www.vunt.edu/publication/2003-kavengi-reading.pdf 

In-text citation 

(Cedric, 2003)

Journal Article 

Journal articles published as PDF indicate the volume, issue, and name of the journal they appear in. They tend to use an e-locator instead of a page range for location identification within the journal. 

Citing a PDF journal article in the APA format requires you to start with the name and initials. Follow it with the year of publishing, article title, journal name, and volume. You then include page range/e-locator and the DOI or URL. 


Last Name, Initial(s). (Year of Publication). Article title. Journal Name, Issue/Volume, e-locator/page range. DOI or URL. 


John, C, S., Larry, V. (2017). Why you are struggling to wake up in the morning. American Journal of Personal Health, 24-27. https://gonero.edu./publications/JohnLarry.pdf 

In-text citation 

(John & Larry, 2017)


A dissertation is a common document among students. It’s the last report you submit before completing a degree. You will rely on dissertations from other earlier students for your classwork from time to time. 

A dissertation published online is always in PDF form. It features the title page marked as a thesis or dissertation. 

To cite an APA-style thesis, you list the author, date of publication, and title. Follow with the type of document and university in brackets. State the website and the URL 


Last name, Initial(s). (Year of Publication). Thesis title [thesis type, Name of Institution]. Website. URL 


Gillian, V. (2020). The impact of scial media on traditional marketing. [Undergraduate thesis, University of Montero]. Montero Online. https://monteroonline.edu/publications/undergrad/econ/4638365. 

In-text citation 

(Gillian, 2020)


Several reports are accessible online in PDF format. The reports tend to have the specific individuals or organizations responsible for the publishing. They also detail the report number and can have the term “report” on the title. 

Citing a report in PDF format in APA style requires you to state the Author's last name, Initial(s). Include the year of publication, publisher, and report number if available. Lastly, add the URL. 


Author Last name, Initial(s). (Year of Publication). Title: Subtitle (Report number). Publisher. URL


Linder, S. (2019). The future of B2B companies in the technological world. The Institute of Economic Affairs. URL

In-text citation 

(Linder, 2019)


Of all the PDF documents in this list, white paper is the least known. However, it remains an important document that details a given topic's ideas, proposals, and growth plan. A white paper is popular with start-ups and can act as a source of reference for students. 

Citing a white paper is similar to citing a report, except without the number. It also has a label of “white paper” in square brackets following the title. 


Author name (organization). (Year of Publication). White paper title [White paper]. Publisher. URL


Satoshi Nakamoto. (2011). Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system [Whitepaper]. Bitcoin.org https://bitcoin.org/en/Bitcoin-paper.pdf 

In-text citation 

(Satoshi, 2011)

Newspaper/Magazine Article 

Most newspaper printing has embraced the digital formats, with PDF a good option. Like the print versions, the PDF magazines have page numbers for APA-style citation.

You will list the author’s last name and initials. Include the date of publishing, Article title, and Newspaper name, and pages.


Author last name, Initial. (Year, Month Day of publication). Title. Newspaper, pages.


Gideon M. (2004, October 27). The world will be inhabitable within 300 years. The College Magazine. Page 36.

In-text citation

(Gideon, 2004).

Get Help With Sourcing and Citing For Your Assignment or Project

Citing a PDF in APA style is easy once you get used to it, but it can be very challenging to students. This guide should help you through citing PDF sources of all kinds, but it will take some practice. .

If you feel that you still need some help with your research paper, essay, or other kind of academic assignment, our experts are here to walk the extra mile for you.

About the author 

Antony W

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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