Biology IA Topics: 20+ Great Ideas to Get You Started

September 5, 2022

biology IA topics

There’s nothing worse than trying to brainstorm and search for Biology IA topics only to come out empty.

The problem is:

There’s a lot to explore in Biology that it proves challenging to determine what topic would be suitable to investigate from the hundreds of possible options. So if you’re having a difficult time figuring out what topic to explore, we can understand.

In this post, we’ll share a list of the best IB Biology IA topics that you can use either for inspiration to help you come up with a topic of your own or as a modified topic for further research.

Biology Internal Assessment Writing Help

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IB Biology Internal Assessment (IA) Topics

Coming up with an IB Biology IA topic to explore isn’t difficult if you understand the requirements. Like Physics and Chemistryyour IA in Biology must focus on scientific writing and research in the Biology subject.

Below is a list of 30+ topic ideas for Biology Internal Assessment:

  1. Assessment of the effect of temperature on the vitamin C content of various juices
  2. What effect can quick shifts in body posture have on baroreceptor feedback and pulse rate?
  3. How do detergents, drinks, yogurt, and milk stack up when it comes to buffering?
  4. How does the ideal pH affect the growth rate of pinto and green beans? Proven Through Experiment
  5. The temperature dependence of the activation energy released during the decomposition of H2O2 utilizing the catalase enzyme and aluminum inhibitor as catalysts.
  6. To what extent does organic household waste affect the germination and emergence of tomato seeds?
  7. Investigating the Role of Carbonated Drink Volume and pH in Tooth Erosion/Decay
  8. In vitro Studies of Aluminum Chloride's Effects on the Liver Catalase Enzyme's Degradation of Hydrogen Peroxide
  9. Changes in seashell mass and carbon monoxide (CO) emitted during the reaction as a function of HCL concentration
  10. Does river pollution threaten the source of water for marine life?
  11. Fruit ripening as influenced by environmental factors including light and temperature
  12. How can we evaluate the respiration rates of wine yeast and baker's yeast in various sugar solutions?
  13. What happens to DNA movement as the concentration of the agarose gel changes?
  14. Compare the top and bottom 25 nations in terms of HDI and their rates of lung cancer-related mortality using secondary data.
  15. How does body mass index (BMI) affect the skin's surface temperature and the pace at which it recovers after exposure to cold?
  16. Hydrogen peroxide breakdown rate influenced by presence of various metal ions (H,O.).
  17. Using the Silver Nitrate titration method, how much variation exists between the chlorine concentrations (mg / L) of several locally accessible brands of treated water?
  18. How post-workout use of energy drinks affects cardiovascular function and blood pressure
  19. How do energy drinks affect blood pressure and heart rate following exercise?
  20. How do varying amounts of lactases affect the efficiency with which lactose and other disaccharides in milk are digested?
  21. Is there a correlation between the presence of home furnishings and stunted plant development?
  22. In terms of the pace of hydrochloric acid neutralization, as assessed by the difference in change in pH levels in 5 minutes, how do cumin and turmeric powder compare to indigestion tablets?
  23. What effect does zinc chloride concentration have on plaque development?
  24. What happens to the length of Citrus limon roots as the Oxytetracycline concentration is raised from 5 mg/L to 10 mg/L?
  25. Is there a correlation between the pH of spoiled milk and the temperature at which it was stored?
  26. How can the opposing effects of temperature and light intensity on the time it takes for photosynthesis to occur cancel each other out?
  27. How can the acidity of certain drinks contribute to tooth decay?
  28. What happens to your heart rate if you suddenly start working out hard, and how much of an effect does warming up have on your maximum heart rate
  29. How effective are natural antiseptics such as ginger and turmeric compared to store-bought alternatives?
  30. How potent are synthetic antibacterial treatments in comparison to natural antibacterial remedies?
  31. What effect does sodium chloride have on bougainvillea seed germination at various concentrations?
  32. What effect does soil composition have on the propagation of a plant's offshoots?
  33. How much does the amount of sodium nitrate powder used to preserve meat reduce its quality?
  34. For what reason does moringa seed and leaf extract (herbal medication) inhibit the growth of dandruff-causing Malassezia yeast (Pittosporum)?
  35. Which laundry detergent is best in breaking down lipids and getting rid of stains?
  36. When it comes to radishes, how does the salinity of the water effect their development rate?
  37. Does Gibberellic acid influence dolly Parton rose germination, and how does it react at various concentrations?

Assessed internally and moderated externally by the IB, Biology IA at SL and HL accounts for 25% and 20% of the final grades respectively. Your teacher will assess your work out of 24 based on well-defined assessment criteria. As such, you should work on a topic that you can explore comprehensively within the scope of the assignment.

Final Thoughts

The IB Biology IA assignment isn’t as lengthy as the extended essay in the same subject, but it can be quite involving. You’ll conduct extensive experiments and the writing process is going to be somewhat longer.

To have an easy time working on the subject, it’s best to choose a topic that interests you, so you can focus on an area that you’ve always wanted to explore.

Given that we’ve shared over30 topic ideas with you, you shouldn’t have a difficult time figuring out what to work on.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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